Now a few weeks after the renuion, it has taken on a life of it's own

Old films have surfaced, soon to be edited and distributed and several new guys have been found.

Monday, June 4, 2007


No memory of those days in the fifties of Queens and specifically Glen Oaks is complete without the mention of Creedmore Psychiatric Center in Queens Village, Queens, New York,
which provides inpatient, outpatient and residential services for severely mentally ill patients. The history of the hospital and its campus, which occupies more than 300 acres and includes more than 50 buildings[1], reflects both the urbanization of the borough of Queens, New York, and a series of changes in psychiatric care.
By 1959, the hospital housed 7,000 inpatients. Then the population began to decline leaving a present population of under 300.

Often mentioned on Law and Order, it was a highlight of the community. Euphemisms like "what are you nuts or from Creedmoor,or something" can be heard wherever you find ex-New Yorkers and current New Yorkers, as well. Not every community could boost such a world renown asylum!

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