Now a few weeks after the renuion, it has taken on a life of it's own

Old films have surfaced, soon to be edited and distributed and several new guys have been found.

Sunday, July 8, 2007

Phil Plasencia living in Floral Park wrote:

Last night I spoke to Bob Raben (GOLL "Class of 1956"), the son of Bob Raben who managed the Eagles and the 1957 GOLL All Star Team vs. the Venezuelan Team in July, 1957. As I mentioned, Bob was a high school classmate of mine and is a retired Hawaiian Airlines pilot, who still lives in Hawaii.
Bob mentioned that, unfortunately, his Dad passed away about three years ago in Florida, and that his younger brother, Peter, lives in Brightwaters, L.I.
This morning I spoke to the wife of Tom Fitzgerald in Madison, Wisconsin. There are 3 or 4 people by that name in Madison...fortunately, the first one I called was the Tom we know. Tom and his wife live in Madison Wisconsin. has an Al Mercantante, who I'm 99% sure is our friend from the Orioles.
It was good talking to you last night. Again, I'm sorry I didn't hear about the get-together sooner. It sounds like you had a great time.I look forward to your mailing me the clipping of the N.Y. Times article on the July, 1957 game vs. Venezuela, if you would, and hope all this info helps.

If you want the addresses for these players, contact me, LynnZ and I'll email them to you. I didn't want to post them here for the entire cyberspace world to see.

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