Now a few weeks after the renuion, it has taken on a life of it's own

Old films have surfaced, soon to be edited and distributed and several new guys have been found.

Monday, June 18, 2007

More old photos

Rich Cagan said:

I am sending you two Hawk team pictures. They came out pretty small. I believe 1955 & 1956, but I couldn't say for sure.
In the 6 player photo, the manager is Irving Fendel. Standing, far right is Joshua Fendel.
I am kneeling in front of Josh. I cannot name anyone else.
On the second photo, the one above, I am sitting at the far left My father, Louis, is the man in the center of the three. I can't name anyone else on this one, either. Sorry.
Maybe Joe can; or even Peter. If they can, let me know.
I will bring 5 copies of each with me for whoever...

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